Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Beginning

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How was your 2008??

It must have been a twin of ice and fire when both extremes of the opposite poles reverberated and I think I survived it well – yep, that’s my 2008. I experienced a lot of the unexpected.

But look, seven days after the whole year just ended and I am still ready to hop and abound. I have gathered a lot of inspiration online and from the real world as well. There is time for everything they say. But making it your time is the challenge. I’d like to dwell on the thought that unless a life that starts off with good intentions – the possibilities are endless.

Anyway, there is this amusement I wear in my face this very moment thinking as I woke up hours ago and had the surge to pull a knack online. This is one of the many blessings I am enjoying this year – my unlimited internet connectivity. Thank God!

The frequent summons from YouTube leaves me ecstatic while Madonna and Justin Timberlake are both giving me the itch to nail it around in 4 minutes – to save the world. Wow! How on earth must I get started?

What comes around to my mind this very early in the morning includes a few and this – imagination with action in life must prevail. I must admit, I am one of those many who is most times entangled in my own creative imagination – void of putting in space and literacy to multiply that imagination into higher grounds serving the community foremost. Well, not the lack of literacy but it is inaction in totality. I guess most of us do have that tendency. ;-)

Now, stop awhile. What I am starting this year comes out of more than a predicament that I’d like to acknowledge and overcome. To write out loud, I am personally a shy person. Yep, that’s true. This is giving me quite a turn these days and being in the crowd most of the time demands a lot from me. Now I wonder, don’t I deserve to give the crowd back something?

Hahahha! So let’s make good memories! ;-) Hop in with me and my camera! Will rock this year more than great!

And seriously, if you think you are shy still? Think about it. It’s your life at stake. If you know you have something to make a difference – come out of your shell. Walk the talk. Ride the boat. Scratch your own itch. Be creative!


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