Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fix a New Ubuntu Password

Sunday, April 18, 2010

strange..i forgot my ubuntu password kanina. i left this box like october last year while been so busy with java training n using xp for it. glad i learned a trick tonight = how to reset my ubuntu password! Hit Esc when GRUB is loading after restart. select Kernel generic and root Drop to root shell prompt

Reset Your Ubuntu Password

Reboot your computer, and then as soon as you see the GRUB Loading screen, make sure to hit the ESC key so that you can get to the menu.

Root Shell – Easy Method
If you have the option, you can choose the “recovery mode” item on the menu, usually found right below your default kernel option.

HERE'S MORE TO IT >> Reset Ubuntu Password Now



Rosamie Tuble said...

loving ubuntu more!! yes!

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